Are You a Good Candidate for Gum Grafting?

More than 47 percent of American adults have gum disease (periodontitis) in one severity or other reports the CDC. Gum grafting effectively treats many of them. In Jacksonville, NC, periodontist, Dr. Jose Arauz performs this effective service, helping people have sufficient and healthy gum tissue and avoid painful complications of gum disease.

What does gum tissue do?

Your healthy gum tissue surrounds your tooth roots and teeth with collar-like protection. Gums nourish and support your teeth and help anchor them to your jaw bone. Gums complete your smile, too, as they are uniquely shaped to make you look like you.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease, or periodontitis, is an infection of this soft pink tissue. Normal oral bacteria overrun tooth surfaces and proliferate under the gums when poor oral hygiene, hereditary factors, smoking, some drugs and certain health problems create the right conditions.

Local inflammation develops, and when unchecked, diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, hypertension and more result.

However, many people don't know they have gum disease. Some symptoms are silent and insidious. Others are:

  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Darkened, receding gum tissue
  • Deep and loose gum pockets, or sulci
  • Mobile teeth
  • Exposed roots
  • Bad breath
  • Sores and fistulas on the gums
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Changes in the fit of a denture and/or in dental bite

Sadly, periodontitis is America's leading cause of tooth loss, states the CDC. However, in mild cases, improved brushing and flossing, along with a thorough dental cleaning (scaling and root planing) can heal gum tissue and re-attach to your teeth. Antibiotic therapy is a good option, too.

How gum grafting can help

Gum grafting is an oral surgery performed right in Dr. Arauz's Jacksonville, NC. To help cover exposed roots, stop gum recession and reduce or eliminate dental sensitivity, your periodontist takes gum tissue from the hard palate or a location near the recessed areas. Another option is donor gum tissue.

Then, he sutures the tissue to the affected area. Gum tissue transplants and grafts well, giving patients the healthy smiles they deserve and improving systemic health.

Are you a candidate? 

Many adults benefit from this restorative dental service. With a careful oral examination and review of your medical history, Dr. Arauz can tell you for sure.

Learn more

Dr. Jose Arauz encourages you to take good care of your teeth and your gums. Please see us for more information on gum disease and grafting procedures. Phone our Jacksonville, NC, office at (910) 577-1315.

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