How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Say you’ve recently lost a tooth and you’ve gotten it replaced with a dental implant. You may be wondering how permanent a dental implant really is and how you can make it last as long as possible. Dr. Jose Arauz in Jacksonville, NC, can explain how long dental implants normally last and how you can keep your implant maintained for as long as possible.

Making Your Dental Implant Last

There isn’t a standard amount of time each dental implant can last, but it’s common that your implant may last anywhere from 10 to 15 years without the need for adjustments or repairs. A very important part of making sure that your dental implants last is by taking care of them. Caring for your implants is simple and just requires you to have a normal oral hygiene routine.

You should be brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups every 6 months. Keeping up with this set of rules will help make your dental implant from your dentist in Jacksonville, NC, last as long as possible.

You should also be sure to treat it just like your natural teeth and avoid chewing on hard objects. This includes nails, plastic, or hard candies. This can help ensure that you avoid cracking your implant and causing any damage. It’s also important to be sure that you’re avoiding grinding your teeth to reduce your risk of wearing down your crown and needing a replacement. It’s important to treat your dental implant with the same care you give the rest of your smile.

Contact Your Dentist Today!

If you aren’t sure how you can keep your dental implant for as long as possible, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have! Contact Dr. Jose Arauz in Jacksonville, NC, to learn more about making your dental implants last. Call for more information today at (910) 577-1315.

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