What The Source of Your Heel Pain Could Be

Have you been wondering why you have heel pain? Injuries, inflammation, and even the shoes you wear can cause your uncomfortable Heel-Painsymptoms. Your Perry Hall and Fallston, MD, podiatrist, Dr. Edward Orman, diagnoses and treats heel pain and other foot and ankle conditions at Honeygo Podiatry.

Stone Bruise

You don't have to actually step on a rock to get a stone bruise. Stepping on any hard object can cause a painful minor injury to the fat pad under your heel. A stone bruise can also occur if you work out in shoes that don't offer enough padding.

As you age, the layer of fat under your heel thins, making it more susceptible to bruising. If you experience stone bruises often or your bruise doesn't improve in a week or two, call Honeygo Podiatry for an appointment in either the Perry Hall or Fallston location. We may recommend heel cups or orthotics. for these prescription shoe inserts provide extra cushioning and support for your feet.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis occurs due to inflammation of the tough band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. If you have the condition, you may notice that your pain is worse first thing in the morning or after you've been sitting. Plantar fasciitis pain may be mild at first but can grow more intense over several weeks or months.

You may be more likely to develop the condition if you have flat feet or high arches, spend long hours on your feet, are overweight, or don't wear supportive shoes.

Treatment options for plantar fasciitis may include anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections. Dr. Orman may also recommend physical therapy, a removable walking cast, night splints to stretch the fascia, or padding and strapping to cushion your foot and relieve strain.

Pain Caused By Shoes

Sometimes, eliminating heel pain is as simple as changing your shoes. If your shoes are too tight in the heels or don't provide enough cushioning, swapping them for another pair can provide relief.

Does your pain only occur when you wear high heels? Over time, frequent high heel wear can shorten your Achilles tendon, the thin tendon that runs along the back of your heel. Stretching exercises can be helpful, but in some cases, surgery to lengthen the tendon may be needed.

Are you ready to find out what's causing your heel pain? Call the Perry Hall, MD, office at (410) 529-4141 or the Fallston, MD, office at (410) 877-3369 to schedule an appointment at Honeygo Podiatry with Dr. Orman today!

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Business Hours Starts at 8:00 AM

Honeygo Podiatry - Perry Hall




10:00 am - Last Appointment


10:00 am-4:00 pm




10:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

3rd Saturday of the Month



Honeygo Podiatry - Fallston


10:00 am-4:00 pm






10:00 am - Last Appointment





