Struggling with an Ingrown Toenail? We Can Help

Are you struggling with the discomfort and discoloration of an ingrown toenail? You're not alone. Millions of Americans have this foot problem, and your Baltimore area podiatrist is here to help. Here at Honeygo Podiatry in Perry Hall and Fallston, MD, Dr. Edward Orman will examine your problem nail and suggest a treatment and maintenance plan to keep your nails healthy and attractive. 

What is an ingrown toenail?

Usually involving the big toe on either foot, an ingrown toenail invades the skin at the edges of the nail, causing:

  • Redness
  • Soreness
  • Swelling
  • Infection (and pus)
  • The nail pulling away from the skin

Often resulting from hereditary factors, trauma, tight shoes, or improper pedicure techniques, ingrown toenails may cause nail deformity, foot infection, immobility, and more. 

How best to treat an ingrown nail

Contrary to what some people think, ingrown toenails respond best to professional treatment from your podiatrist. After all, home treatments often prove ineffective and even dangerous, as they sometimes allow an infection to deepen and spread throughout the foot.

However, when you come to one of our Baltimore-area offices, you will undergo a complete podiatric examination and skilled treatment of your nails. Your care plan will be based on your podiatrist's findings and on your unique needs.

Dr. Orman frequently advises a partial nail removal to quell the infection and other symptoms. If not infected, then Dr. Orman will recommend a partial matrixectomy that removes the ingrown side of the nail so it won't grow back.

As an alternative, Dr. Orman may perform a total matrixectomy. This simple surgery removes the entire nail and a special chemical prevents it from growing back. Recovery is quick, with the toe being bandaged and activity limited for just a few days. 

Preventing an ingrown nail

Some simple habits prevent ingrown nails from forming. They include:

  • Trimming nails straight across with a clean clippers
  • Wearing shoes which have plenty of room in the toe boxes
  • Washing your feet daily and changing your socks every day or whenever they are sweaty
  • Wearing steel-toed shoes if your job involves heavy lifting
  • Putting anti-fungal powder in your shoes or socks during the warm summer months
  • Seeing Dr. Orman at least once a year for a podiatric exam if you are 40 or over (this easy exam catches problems early on and is especially important for diabetics) 

Know more

Ingrown toenails can be more than a nuisance—please don't ignore yours. Call one of Honeygo Podiatry's two Baltimore-area offices today for an appointment with Dr. Edward Orman. For Perry Hall, phone (410) 529-4141, and for Fallston, call (410) 877-3369.

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Appointment Hours

Business Hours Starts at 8:00 AM

Honeygo Podiatry - Perry Hall




10:00 am - Last Appointment


10:00 am-4:00 pm




10:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

3rd Saturday of the Month



Honeygo Podiatry - Fallston


10:00 am-4:00 pm






10:00 am - Last Appointment





