When To See Your Foot Doctor In 2021

Your podiatrist in the Baltimore Metro area can help you get back on your feet.

Your foot doctor can help you and your feet feel better this year. Your feet deserve the best because they carry you through life. When your feet are healthy, it can help the rest of your body feel healthy too.

Dr. Edward Orman of Honeygo Podiatry in the Baltimore Metro area offers comprehensive foot care services. He proudly serves residents in Northeast Baltimore County and in Harford County.

Your foot doctor can provide a variety of services to help your feet. Let’s take a look at just a few of the many reasons to see your foot doctor in 2021:

  • If you are experiencing painful bunions, your foot doctor can eliminate bunions for good. There are several treatment options designed to remove bunions and realign your foot and toes.
  • If you are experiencing heel pain, caused by plantar fasciitis or other factors, your foot doctor may recommend wearing heel inserts, doing arch stretches, taking anti-inflammatory medication, and other treatments to eliminate heel pain.
  • If you are suffering from toenail fungus, your foot doctor may recommend state-of-the-art laser treatment to kill the fungus and help you grow a new, healthy toenail.
  • Custom-made orthotics or footwear is another service your foot doctor can provide. Orthotics help eliminate foot pain by providing support and cushioning to relieve foot stress.
  • Diabetic foot care is a reason to seek out your foot doctor this year. If you are diabetic, your feet require the services of a foot doctor. Diabetes affects your circulatory, immune, and nervous systems, causing problems with your extremities, including your feet. Regular foot exams help ensure your feet stay healthy.
  • Your feet may also be injured during an activity or sport and may require surgery to repair broken bones, torn ligaments, or torn tendons. Your foot doctor is an expert at restoring the structural integrity of your feet and toes, helping you get back to enjoying an active life.

These are just a few of the many ways your foot doctor can help you and your feet. To find out more about how your foot doctor can help you this year, call Dr. Orman of Honeygo Podiatry in the Baltimore, MD, metro area at (410) 529-4141 or (410) 877-3369 now!

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Appointment Hours

Business Hours Starts at 8:00 AM

Honeygo Podiatry - Perry Hall




10:00 am - Last Appointment


10:00 am-4:00 pm




10:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

3rd Saturday of the Month



Honeygo Podiatry - Fallston


10:00 am-4:00 pm






10:00 am - Last Appointment





