Foot Blisters and Preventative Care

While the appearance of blisters may be embarrassing, the pain accompanying them is often much worse and more of a concern for people who have them. Although blisters are a common foot problem experienced by many, have you ever wondered what the cause of those pesky blisters could be? Or, better yet, how they can be treated?



Blisters appear on a swollen part of the foot and consist of fluid, typically clear, though, depending on the blister, the fluid may also have blood. Blisters are usually caused by repeated friction or rubbing on a specific part of your foot. Here are some examples of things that can produce that constant friction:

  • The type of footwear and how properly your shoes fit
  • Your skin type and foot type (high, low or medium arch)
  • The moisture found around your feet
  • Heavy objects you may be carrying around, like a bag pack


While blisters are rarely filled with pus, pus can form if the blister is infected. In that case, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. If you have any of the following symptoms, it’s preferable to talk to your doctor:

  • Foot Pain
  • Soreness
  • Redness
  • Swelling

While the symptoms may seem common, any persistent pain needs medical attention. Individuals with diabetes need to be especially careful. If left untreated, the blister may turn into an ulcer, leaving you susceptible to an amputation.


Preventive Care Treatments:

There are several precautions you can take to prevent blisters. Here are a few preventative care options:

1.      Make sure to wear proper fitting shoes

2.      Wear moisture-wicking socks

3.      Cushioned insoles are a good idea

4.      Double-socks will provide extra cushion

5.      Wear orthotics recommended by your podiatrist

6.      Use antiperspirants, powders, and lubricants to reduce moisture and friction.


The key to healthy feet is preventative care and referring to your foot doctor whenever you have questions or concerns. 

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