What To Expect During Annual and Sports Exams

Making sure that your children are active can be of great benefit to their overall physical health. Whether they're taking part in team sports or even just PE class most schools are going to require a sports physical before they will allow your child to take part in physical activities. But sports physical exams don't typically take the place of an annual physical exam, some of the important aspects of each will be covered below but to learn more about both types of exams you can get in contact with your local Merrillville, IN, pediatrician Dr. Marc Connery of BYP Kids.

What To Expect

During either exam there is a physical examination and a brief vision screening, you can expect to be asked about your child's medical history.

A sports physical will have more of a focus on your child's ability to be physically active without concern for their health, so your doctor may ask specifically about past injuries or hospitalizations, including surgeries. If the doctor notices a problem it doesn't always mean that they will not be able to participate in sports. If your child has asthma, for example, they can be prescribed medication to better control their symptoms during play.

An annual examination can be more in depth and also broader in its scope. It's a perfect time to assess your child's development, both mental and physical, and to bring questions and concerns about either to your child's doctor. It's also when their pediatrician makes sure they are keeping up with their immunization schedule.

Annual and Sports Exams in Merrillville, IN

If scheduling permits it, many pediatricians will often allow you to schedule both annual and sports physical exams during the same visit. Although there are some differences between them the main overall goal remains the same, to help keep your child safe and healthy.

If you would like to schedule annual and sports exams in Merrillville, IN, you can make an appointment with Dr. Connery of BYP Kids by dialing (219) 940-9605.

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