
Solutions for Congenitally Missing Teeth

You may notice that your child is missing a tooth, or two, and not know why it's happening. The developmental stage for your child is a pivotal one, and it's understandable to be questioning why your child is missing teeth. At The Oyster Bay Family Dentists in Oyster Bay, NY, Dr. Robert West, and Dr. Denise VeyVoda can discern potential causes for missing teeth in early childhood.

Absence of Teeth

Congenitally missing teeth are commonly referred to as hypodontia, which is when the development of teeth is delayed or they never grow in. If your child is missing a baby tooth, it is highly unlikely that a permanent tooth exists below the gums. Typically, congenitally missing teeth are one of the following:

  • Wisdom teeth—situated in the back of the mouth behind the molars, these are the most common teeth to be missing in adults.
  • The second premolars—located in front of your molars
  • Upper lateral incisors—the teeth that are on both sides of your two front teeth
  • Lower lateral incisors—the two front teeth of your lower jaw

Most circumstances of hypodontia result in one or two missing teeth at most, it's fairly uncommon for numerous teeth to be missing.

Living With Congenitally Missing Teeth

Congenitally missing teeth is often genetic and can present a great amount of stress in families, but your family dentists in Oyster Bay, NY, are committed to finding the best solution for you.

Through dental x-rays, The Oyster Bay Family Dentists can determine precisely why you are missing a permanent tooth. Then, there are two treatments considered:

  • Replacing the missing tooth
  • Reducing the gap with orthodontics 

Treatment for Hypodontia

With a thorough examination, our doctors will determine how to best restore your smile.

  • Orthodontics: this option is often utilized alongside restorative dentistry, in order to close the present gap or potentially create space for an implant.
  • Dental implants: this has become one of the most reliable approaches to replacing missing teeth. Implants are only an option for adults.
  • Bridgework: A bridge is a false tooth held up by two dental crowns to fill a gap in your smile. Bridgework can be removable or supported by a dental implant

Congenitally missing teeth may be keeping you or someone in your family from smiling confidently. Dr. West and Dr. VeyVoda of The Oyster Bay Family Dentists in Oyster Bay, NY, are dedicated to restoring your smile. To discuss your missing teeth replacement options, call our office at (516) 922-5730.

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8:00 am-2:00 pm



