
What Causes Bunions?

Below are questions about bunions that we are frequently asked at Purvis-Moyer Foot & Ankle Center in Hampton Roads Foot & Ankle Center in Rocky Mount, NC. Bunions are a common condition that our team of podiatrists, Dr. Peter Moyer, Dr. Jennifer Purvis, and Dr. Scott Martin routinely treat.

What Is a Bunion?

Bunions consist of a dislocation of the big toe joint. Sometimes, this causes the appearance of a protrusion, or bump, on the inside of your foot. This bony protrusion appears at the base of the big toe where it meets the rest of the foot. The dislocation of the joint of the big toe causes it to point inward. In some severely progressed cases, the big toe displaces so excessively that it will lay on top of the second toe.  This is a condition known as crossover toe.

What Causes Bunions?

Decades of stress placed on the foot cause the dislocation of the big toe joint. The stresses are not always excessive, sometimes bunions develop after years of normal function of the foot. It may suprise you to learn that ill-fitting shoes do not cause bunions to develop initially. But wearing shoes that do not fit well can certainly help to progress the condition and lead to a worsening bunion. Initially, they are caused by poor foot mechanics or deformed and misshapen feet.

What Are the Symptoms?

Additional symptoms besides the physical abnormality of a bump on your foot can occur along with bunions. These can be:

  • Corns and callouses
  • Pain when straightening the toe
  • Inability to wear regular shoes
  • Numbness in the big toe

How Is a Bunion Treated?

Most commonly, surgery is needed to remove the bunion and correct the foot anatomy. This surgery is called a bunionectom and will be recommended for more severe cases of bunions in Rocky Mount, NC. But there are more conservative, non-surgical steps that your podiatrist may recommend to slow or halt the progression of a bunion.

What Can Be Done To Manage My Bunion Without Surgery?

Some recommendations from our podiatrists for slowing down the worsening of a bunion are:

  • Wearing shoes that are roomy in the toe area. 
  • Buy new shoes in the evening hours as your feet swell slightly later in the day and any shoes you buy must be able to accommodate this. 
  • Have your feet measured each time you shop for new shoes. Our feet tend to flatten with age and may require buying a larger-sized shoe.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Custom orthotics.
  • Prescription and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medication

Contact Us

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Moyer, Dr. Purvis, or Dr. Martin at Hampton Roads Foot & Ankle Center to answer any additional questions you have regarding bunions in Rocky Mount, NC. You can reach us by calling (252) 443-7114.

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8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-2:00 pm



