How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth?

Having yellow or stained teeth can really put a dent in your confidence. We all want to smile freely without feeling self-conscious. The good news is that getting your pearly whites back is possible with teeth whitening!

In this blog, we'll cover why teeth turn yellow in the first place and how whitening treatments can transform your smile.

Causes of Yellow Teeth

There are several culprits behind unsightly yellow stains:

What you eat and drink: Things like coffee, tea, red wine and brightly colored foods can leave stains behind over time.

Smoking: The nicotine and tar in cigarettes are awful for staining teeth.

Getting older: As we age, the outer enamel layer gets thinner, allowing more of the yellowish dentin underneath to show through.

Medications: Certain antibiotics, like tetracycline, can cause discoloration in kids' teeth as they form.

Injuries: If you've had trauma or an injury to a tooth, it can turn yellow on the inside.

How Whitening Works Its Magic

Professional teeth whitening uses special bleaching agents to lift those stubborn stains and get your smile back to its bright, white potential. The magic comes from hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide that penetrates the tooth enamel to break up the discoloration compounds.

There are two main types of professional whitening:

In-office whitening:

This is where the dentist applies a really strong bleaching gel directly to your teeth for a short time. They may use a special light to activate the gel and speed things up. You get dramatic results fast - often several shades whiter in just one appointment!

Take-home kits:

Your dentist will give you custom mouth trays and whitening gel to use at home over a couple of weeks. The trays ensure the gel coats your teeth evenly. Progress is more gradual, but still very effective.

A lot of dentists recommend combining these two methods for the absolute best results.

Is Whitening Right for You?

For most people, professional whitening is a fantastic way to revive their smile. Just have realistic expectations - existing dental work like crowns won't whiten, and really deep internal stains may not lift completely. Your dentist can take a look and let you know if whitening is a good option.

It's also key that your teeth and gums are in good health first. Any cavities, gum disease, etc. should be taken care of before whitening. The whitening agents can cause some temporary sensitivity or gum irritation for some people, but it's usually minor.

If you're in the Covina area and looking to brighten your smile, pay a visit to College Street Family Dental. They've been providing top-notch dental care with a personal touch for over 20 years.

Give College Street Family Dental a call today at (626) 498-2472 to ask about their teeth whitening services. Why hide your smile any longer? Get the brilliant, confident grin you deserve!

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