Diagnosis and Treatment of Bleeding Gums

As per many reports, half of all adults in the United States have some kind of gum disease, including sore gums and bleeding gums. It is a potentially dangerous disease for your oral health that can go undetected for years if regular dental checkups and examinations are not performed. In this post, we will guide you through the steps to prevent gum disease and what should you do for the treatment if you already have it.

Infected gum tissues and bones that support your teeth may lead to bleeding gums. It is caused by a sticky substance known as plaque on the gums and teeth where harmful bacteria grow. When you consume sugar, bacteria present in your gums produce toxins and other chemicals that can cause infection. Swollen and bleeding gums while brushing or flossing your teeth are the early signs of gum disease.

What happens when you leave gum disease untreated?

The plaque will eventually harden into tartar when you don’t brush your teeth properly or don’t take care of your oral hygiene and habits. It will start causing irritation in your gums by this point. The irritation level can go up to a point without proper care and attention that your gums will begin to pull away from the teeth.

To prevent this situation, you should immediately book an appointment for a dental checkup if you notice any signs of swollen, red, tender, or sensitive gums, especially when you brush or floss. It is critical to treat bleeding or swollen gums as soon as possible in order to prevent further escalation of the gum disease and long-term consequences such as tooth loss.

How to diagnose sore or bleeding gums?

You can identify and treat gum diseases such as sore and bleeding gums through the following ways:

  • Scaling and Root Planning
  • Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is the most widely used dental procedure to correct and restore your gums to their natural state to improve your overall health. Gum graft helps you cover the exposed and root surfaces where you have sore and bleeding gums. Gum grafting encourages the growth of new gum tissues around the infected areas to restore their natural state.

What are the causes of sore and bleeding gums?

Tobacco use increases your risk of developing gum disease that could be more difficult to treat. If you have a family history of gum disease, you are more prone to gum issues. Conditions like high diabetes, stress, leukemia, or AIDS weaken the immune systems of a persona and make him more prone to gum disease.

So, if you have any of the above condition and notice signs of swollen, red, tender, sensitive, or bleeding gums, visit your dentist immediately for dental cleaning and procedures.

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