Is Bad Breath Serious for My Child?

Many parents think bad breath in children is not a big issue. Things will change and children will become responsible when they grow. According to them, bad breath is something that adults should be careful about, especially if they communicate with others very closely and frequently. But, unfortunately, this isn’t right.

Bad breath is not good for children and adults. So, if you notice that your child's breath is foul, especially if it is persistent, you should be concerned. You shouldn’t wait for the situation to get resolved automatically. It’s because bad breath could be a symptom of something else, something very serious that you cannot control in the future.

Reason for bad breath in your child

Poor hygiene and cavities

This is one of the common reasons for bad breath in children. If your child doesn’t brush or floss properly, the food particles get stuck between the teeth, leading to the growth of bacteria. This is a sign of poor hygiene. Plaque builds up because of bacteria, leading to cavities and tooth decay. This causes a foul odor to develop in your child's mouth.

Dry mouth and mouth breathing

Children are prone to cold and stuffy noses. Due to this, they start breathing through their mouths. Sleeping with the mouth open prevents children from generating saliva because the mouth becomes dry. And you very well know that saliva is important to rinse and wash bacteria away. Here, it becomes important for you to treat problems with your child that cause dry mouth.

Infections, illness, and mouth sores

Do you know that bad breath can indicate an illness or a health problem in your child? Yes, it’s true. Illness like upper respiratory, sinus, or throat infections leads to bad breath because the nasal gets congested and your child starts breathing from the mouth. These problems produce mucus, which is yet another option for the bacteria to feed. If you treat these illnesses on time, your child's bad breath problem will be resolved.

By now, you might have understood that bad breath is serious for your child. As a result, if your child's mouth smells bad, you should always be cautious.

What should you do to treat bad breath in your child?

Most of the time, you can easily treat your child's bad breath. The first thing is good oral hygiene. Make certain that your child brushes and flosses properly and on a daily basis. Brushing should be done for at least two minutes, twice a day, and flossing should be done at least once a day. Also, your child shouldn’t forget to brush his/her tongue.

Other than oral hygiene, your child should always be hydrated. Hydration is important to increase saliva production and avoid dry mouth. Try to give only plain filtered and avoid surgery and carbonated drinks.

Last and most important, you should visit a pediatric dentist regularly. This becomes even more important if your child's bad breath persists and the above-mentioned remedies are ineffective. Also, regular visits to a pediatric dentist will keep your child’s overall oral health healthy and you identify and monitor the potential problems on time.

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