Cosmetic Dentistry Can Give You The Smile You've Been Looking For

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Give You The Smile You've Been Looking For.

Our smile is one of the very first ways we make an impression, and it's often our imperfections that make it for us. You can have the smile you've been dreaming of, whether that means making it a few shades whiter and brighter, or what you seek is a complete smile makeover your Miami Beach, FL, and North Miami Beach, FL, cosmetic dentists may have the solution that's right for you. To learn more get in contact with Dr. Allen Ressler, Dr. Andrew Hirschl, and Dr. Ira Lelchuk of Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk.

Cleanings and Whitening

If you are happy with your smile but wish only it were brighter, then your best option is always a professional whitening from your dentist. They can provide much better results and much faster than over the counter treatments, and of course, in a much safer environment.

For many, a professional dental cleaning can often provide the bright smile they'd been seeking. So if it's been some time since your last, it may be time to again give it a try. A healthy smile is a beautiful one.

Fillings and Bonding

For teeth that are chipped or mishappen due to wear, your dentist can return to them their natural appearance with a resin compound that is bonded directly to your tooth. Moreover, this compound can be used as an alternative to traditional amalgam fillings, thus eliminating their similarly traditional silver color.

Full Smile Makeover With Porcelain Veneers

To address a number of imperfections, porcelain veneers can give you a whole new smile with a less invasive treatment than its alternatives. Veneers are thin but durable caps that are bonded to your individual teeth. Similar to the way crowns are applied but with less of your removed to perform the procedure.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Miami Beach, FL, and North Miami Beach, FL

Listed above are only some of the available cosmetic dentistry treatments in your local office. To find out what your dentist can do for you and to discuss expectations, make an appointment today by dialing Dr. Ressler, Dr. Hirschl, and Dr. Lelchuk of Ressler, Hirschl and Lelchuk by dialing (305) 532-1444 for their Miami Beach, FL, location and (305) 949-2630 for North Miami Beach, FL.

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1:30 pm-5:30 pm


8:30 am-12:30 pm

1:30 pm-5:30 pm


8:30 am-12:30 pm

1:30 pm-5:30 pm


8:30 am-12:30 pm

1:30 pm-5:30 pm


8:30 am-3:30 pm



