Psoriasis Treatment Options

Psoriasis is a condition that can be very difficult to live with. It not only affects your skin, but it also affects your self-esteem. In Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA, Dr. W Trent Massengale of Atlas Dermatology has a full-service practice that treats psoriasis and many other skin conditions, both medical and cosmetic. 

Psoriasis is a skin condition where the body produces too many skin cells. Skin cells are produced in days rather than in weeks. The skin cells pile up on the skin and form plaques, which are raised patches covered with silvery scales. They can appear anywhere on the body but are most often found on the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.

Psoriasis doesn’t usually go away, but your dermatologist can help you learn to live with it. Your treatment plan may change over the years as you age and change. The types of treatment that you can use will depend on the type of psoriasis that you have and where on your body it is located. 

Psoriasis treatments

 Your dermatologist in Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA, will come up with a plan for you. One or more of the treatment options may have to be combined to get the desired results. 

Medication that you apply to the skin

 One of the symptoms that you may have from psoriasis is itching. Stopping the itching is a major priority. Some of the topic treatments your dermatologist may try are:

Corticosteroids can be very effective and work quickly.

TCI (topical calcineurin inhibitor) works well on areas with thinner skin such as the neck or face. 

Salicylic acid is a tried and true remedy that is also used for acne. 

Roflumilast cream is FDA-approved and used with more than one type of psoriasis. 

Medication taken orally

 For some types of psoriasis, especially when there is joint involvement, taking oral medication may be the most effective form of treatment. The FDA has approved several medications for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis and your dermatologist may try you on a few different ones to see which one is the most effective for your case of psoriasis.

Light therapy

 Your dermatologist will discuss the benefits of light therapy with you. 

Psoriasis research is ongoing. Who knows what the next big discovery will be? For today, you and your dermatologist can work together to create the best treatment plan for you. 

Contact Dr. Massengale of Atlas Dermatology when you need the services of a dermatologist in Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA. Give our office a call at (225) 313-4560 in Baton Rouge and (844) 313-4560 in Prairieville for an appointment. 

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Monday - Thursday:

7:00 am - 5:00 pm


7:00 am - 12:00 pm

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