Treatments For Acne

Getting rid of acne is one of those things that often sounds a lot easier than it actually is. After all, over-the-counter medications or dietary changes that work well for your friends won't necessarily do anything to clear your face. Fortunately, dermatology treatments offered by your Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA, dermatologist, Dr. W. Trent Massengale can finally improve your complexion.

Which Dermatology Treatments Are Available?

During a visit to your dermatologist's Baton Rouge or Prairieville office, he may recommend one or more of these treatments:

  • Prescription-Strength Topical Products: Drugstore products may not be strong enough to tackle severe or stubborn acne. Luckily, your skin doctor can prescribe gels and creams that increase skin cell turnover and reduces pore blockages. Tretinoin, tazarotene, and adapalene are topical medications commonly used to treat acne.
  • Antibiotics: If your acne doesn't improve, a topical or oral antibiotic may be prescribed, in addition to the topical medication. Antibiotics kill the bacteria responsible for inflammation and pimples.
  • Blue Light Therapy: Blue light therapy can be a simple, pain-free way to improve your skin. During treatment, you'll expose your face to a panel of blue lights that kill the bacteria in your oil glands.
  • Oral Contraceptives: If you're a woman and suspect that your acne is caused by monthly hormonal fluctuations, you may benefit by taking oral contraceptives. The contraceptives decrease the production of sebum. The oily substance keeps your skin soft but can cause blocked pores and pimples if you produce too much of it.
  • Isotretinoin: This strong drug is only used when other treatments aren't helpful. Although it's very effective, it can cause serious side effects, including birth defects. You'll have frequent blood tests while you take the drug and must use a reliable form of birth control if you're a woman.
  • Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peels: Both of these treatments remove the outer layers of the skin, removing acne lesions and shallow scars.

What Else Can I Do to Keep My Acne Under Control?

In addition to washing your face to remove excess oils, it's also important to wash your hair regularly and wear hairstyles that keep hair off your face. Oil from your hair can easily transfer from your face to your hair, causing pimples. Breakouts can also be caused by oils from foods. If you eat pizza or other greasy foods, be sure to clean your face immediately.

Some foods can also trigger acne in some people. Keeping a food diary can help you determine if your acne is affected by certain foods.

Contact Us

Are you struggling with acne? Dermatology treatments can help improve the condition of your skin and prevent future breakouts. Call Dr. Massengale, your skin doctor in Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA, today to schedule your appointment: (225) 313-4560.

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Monday - Thursday:

7:00 am - 5:00 pm


7:00 am - 12:00 pm

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