Helping You Deal With Your Psoriasis Symptoms

Are you one of the millions of Americans with psoriasis? At Atlas Dermatology in Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA, we know how frustrating, embarrassing, and painful psoriasis can be. So, Dr. Massengale, Dr. Pitre, and their team partner with patients to control psoriatic symptoms. Read on to learn more about this condition and how we can help.

Why do people get psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by periodic skin breakouts. The lesions vary in intensity and location, but typically, they:

  • Are red patches covered with thick layers of white skin cells
  • Sting and itch
  • Break out on the knees, trunk, scalp, and elbows

The National Psoriasis Foundation says that says more Caucasian people (about four percent) develop this troublesome skin condition--more than any other ethnic group. Stress, allergies and environmental factors (weather) seem to precipitate outbreaks, and heredity definitely plays a role. While most sufferers develop psoriasis at a young age, it can express itself at any time through life.

Psoriasis falls into four categories. Plaque psoriasis makes up most cases, but others include:

  • Guttate, characterized by small red dots, often brought on by a strep infection
  • Inverse, which appears on body folds such as under the arms or behind the knees
  • Pustular, which has large pus-filled lesions on the hands and feet
  • Erythrodermic, a dangerous form of psoriasis, characterized by widespread, fiery red lesions

Treating psoriasis

During an appointment at either our Baton Rouge or Prairieville office, we will examine your areas of breakout to possibly recommend:

  • Biologic medications
  • Topical creams
  • Phototherapy (application of UV light)
  • Reducing stress
  • Using fragrance and dye-free detergents and soaps
  • Using a humidifier to moisturize your skin
  • Consuming foods low in sugar and high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Avoiding alcohol and tobacco products

You can gain control

Psoriasis is stubborn, but your physician at Atlas Dermatology in Baton Rouge and Prairieville can help. Why not contact Dr. W. Trent Massengale or Dr. Joshua Pitre for a consultation? We also feature teleconference dermatology appointments at (225) 313-4560.

Our Two Locations

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Monday - Thursday:

7:00 am - 5:00 pm


7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:
