Ways To Reduce Acne Breakouts

Acne breakouts are never pleasant, and they seem to come at the worst times. For instance, your skin may begin to break out just before a job interview or a special family gathering. Although acne breakouts seem to randomly occur, they often aren’t random occurrences. The good news is along with visiting Dr. W. Trent Massengale and Dr. Joshua Pitre at Atlas Dermatology you can learn about a variety of treatments to minimize acne in Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA.

Skincare Routine

The foundation of healthy skin is having a good skincare routine. Whether you have only the occasional acne breakout or you experience frequent breakouts, it is important to wash your face twice a day to remove dead skin cells, extra oil, and impurities from your skin. It’s best to use warm water and a gentle facial cleanser. It’s also important to wash your hands before washing your face. Avoid scrubbing and using harsh cleansers.

Acne Products

Although some over-the-counter acne products are mild enough to help reduce breakouts, many of these products contain ingredients that will overly dry your skin, which may lead to peeling. The best solution is to visit your dermatologist for a recommended treatment for acne in Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA. Your dermatologist can determine how much acne product you should use and how often as well as the best product for individual needs.

Diet and Exercise

Studies have shown that certain foods don’t necessarily cause acne breakouts, but it’s still recommended that you avoid foods that are greasy and/or processed. Instead, add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet and avoid foods that are high in sugar. Establishing a regular exercise routine is good for your entire body, including your skin. When exercising, avoid using equipment that rubs or irritates your skin, wear loose clothing and be sure to shower after exercising.

Studies have shown that increased stress may lead to acne breakouts, so one of the most important things you can do to help reduce acne breakouts is to reduce your stress. Try to find ways to help reduce your stress, such as relaxation techniques, and when you are stressed, avoid touching your face.

To learn more information about how to reduce acne breakouts or to schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Massengale or Dr. Pitre at (225) 673-3069 or (225) 313-4560. Atlas Dermatology has locations for treating acne in Baton Rouge and Prairieville, LA.

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