Accutane (isotretinoin) update

Did you know for almost 40 years Accutane has proven to be an effective treatment for cystic acne? Although the brand name “Accutane” is no longer used, isotretinoin is the generic name for this tried-and-true medication to eliminate stubborn breakouts resistant to other treatments. Isotretinoin, developed in 1983, is a water-soluble vitamin A medication taken daily at a low dose. Treatment time is dependent upon body weight and acne clearance over the course of therapy.
One thing we are certain of is not only does acne disrupt quality of life, but it can also cause scarring that potentially leads to psychological distress. That is why we take this condition seriously, get to the root cause, and guide patients on a treatment plan to cure and manage all types of acne. We understand some hesitations have arisen over the years regarding side effects of taking isotretinoin, but here at Atlas, we are here to discuss any questions or concerns you may have, and we meet with our patients monthly, either in person or virtually, while on isotretinoin therapy.

Let`s break down some quick details about isotretinoin (or Accutane):
1.One of the most inexpensive treatment options.  It is usually $50 for one month’s supply with use of our recommended pharmacy even without insurance. 
2.Only TWO lab draws two months apart are required to check cholesterol and triglycerides- greatly decreased from previous requirements of past years
3.Isotretinoin is one of our MOST prescribed medications and we see hundreds of patients per year with life changing results from treatment
4.Isotretinoin must be avoided during pregnancy- so monthly negative pregnancy tests are required for female patients at appointments
5.Ipledge is a federally regulated program used for Isotretinoin patients to ensure pregnancy does not occur while on treatment- therefore, short, monthly online quizzes are completed by female patients
6.Moisturization is KEY- most common side effects are dry lips, dry nose, and dry skin which are all manageable with the tools we recommend to use daily
7.Acne alone can cause depression, therefore side effects such as depressive mood caused specifically by Isotretinoin have not been proven

Make an appointment today to discuss your acne concerns and together we can work to develop an appropriate treatment plan that makes you feel comfortable in your skin. Whether it begins with topical creams, antibiotics, hormone therapy, or vitamin A treatment, Atlas strives to provide suitable options combined with patient collaboration to fight stubborn breakouts.

Click here to schedule a consultation to see if accutane is right for you.

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