Low Dose Oral Minoxidil (LDOM) for hair loss

Studies are showing that low dose oral Minoxidil (LDOM) is a changing the game for those suffering with hair thinning and/or loss.  
According to research, this once daily pill has shown dramatic improvement in hair growth in both men and women when taken consistently for 6 months or longer. Minoxidil aids hair growth by working as a vasodilator which increases blood flow to the scalp therefore encouraging hair growth.  
A little history on this medication… Minoxidil was originally developed at a higher dose in the 1950s as a treatment for ulcers. Through realizing this medication was not beneficial for ulcers, scientists discovered its vasodilating feature, and in 1979, it was approved by the FDA as management for high blood pressure. As patients began taking Minoxidil, they experienced noticeable hair growth. Known as Rogaine, a topical liquid was developed from this discovery which still exists today. Although Minoxidil is no longer a common go-to for hypertension, it was not until recently that a much lower dose oral option, one with minimal effects on blood pressure, gained popularity. LDOM is now the optimal option for those wishing to maximize hair thickness.
Make an appointment today to discuss your options if hair thinning or hair loss is a concern. Atlas Dermatology strives to provide the latest, most data-based treatment plans to help you look and feel your best.

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