Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental ImplantTooth loss can lead to the deterioration of your bones without the support it needs. Dental implants are the most ideal replacement for teeth as they provide your jawbone with this necessary strength. If you decide to get a dental implant, here's what you need to know about the process, and of course, your dentist in Fort Worth, TX, Dr. Brad McConnell, is available to help and advise you!

The Dental Implant Procedure

The procedure is long, yet simple, and begins when a local anesthetic is applied to the area that will undergo treatment. Your Fort Worth dentist will then remove any decayed tooth left and insert a titanium post into the jawbone. This titanium post acts as the new tooth root and is biocompatible, so there is no worry of tissue rejection.

The doctor will then surgically close the area and allow it to heal for a period of 3 to 6 months so that osseointegration can take its full course (this is the process by which titanium fuses to the jawbone to provide reinforcement). When you return, your dentist will re-open the area, insert an abutment, and place a crown that matches the rest of your teeth over it.

Implant Benefits

Dental implants do the following:

  • Anchor dentures
  • Fill a single gap or multiple gaps in your teeth
  • Have a high success rate, reaching 95 percent
  • Allow you to bite into and chew your favorite foods
  • Not slip out of place like dentures, making them comfortable and practical
  • Look natural and give you a beautiful smile
  • Provide your jawbone with the support it needs so that it doesn't shrink

You should practice healthy dental regimens to protect your teeth and ensure that dental implants last longer. Getting professional dental cleanings and checkups every six months to remove hardened plaque that's accumulated on teeth and around gums is important in maintaining healthy teeth. You should also receive fluoride treatments and use fluoride-containing products like toothpaste and mouthwash to prevent gum disease and tooth decay.

Also, brushing your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day and flossing at least once before bed will remove food debris.

Call Today!

If you have questions or concerns, Dr. Brad McConnell can help you. Call (817) 423-2223 in Fort Worth, TX, to make an appoint today!

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