Cosmetic Dentists Give You a Smile That Gives You Confidence

It's hard to feel confident if you're embarrassed about the way your teeth look. Whether the imperfection is large or small, cosmetic cosmetic dentistrydentistry treatments can help you feel proud of your smile. Dr. Brad McConnel and Dr. Brooks Stevens, your Fort Worth, TX cosmetic dentists at Harris Parkway Dental, describe several cosmetic dentistry services that will improve your smile.

Crowns and bridges

Crowns are a good choice if you have a damaged, discolored, fragile or unusually shaped tooth. Crowns slip over teeth, completely encasing them from the gum line up. Crowns are made with a variety of materials, including porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, resin, ceramic and metal alloys.

Bridges are used to replace missing teeth and consist of one or more false teeth anchored by crowns on either side. They are constructed of porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is an excellent option if your teeth are dull or yellow. Professional teeth whitening offers more impressive, long-lasting results than home whitening kits. When your Fort Worth dentist whitens your teeth, you can expect to see a three- to eight-shade difference that can last several years if you avoid foods and beverages that stain teeth.

Porcelain veneers

When teeth whitening doesn't get your teeth quite as white as you would like, porcelain veneers are the perfect solution. These thin shells fit over the front surfaces of your teeth and can be used on one tooth or all of them. In addition to whitening teeth, veneers are also used to hide chips, discolorations, oddly shaped teeth, worn teeth and small gaps.

Composite bonding

Putty-like composite bonding strengthens and repairs damaged teeth. It can be easily manipulated to any shape, making it the ideal material to correct small defects in your teeth. After the bonding is applied to your teeth, your dentist uses a curing light to harden it.

Dental implants

Dental implants provide a long-lasting tooth replacement option. The titanium implant is placed in a small hole in your jaw, where it bonds to surrounding bone. When the process is complete several months later, a crown is attached to the implant with a special connector called an abutment.

Inlays and Onlays

Traditional fillings don't work when a significant area of your tooth is damaged. Inlays and onlays fill and protect the tooth. Inlays fit inside the cusps of your teeth, while onlays extend beyond the cusps.

Think cosmetic dentistry treatments might just be the perfect solution to your cosmetic issue? Call (817) 423-2223 to contact your Fort Worth, TX cosmetic dentists at Harris Parkway Dental and make an appointment. Improve your self-confidence and your smile!

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