When is it time to to consider a cosmetic dentist

Like most parts of the human body, even with the best maintenance and care routines in place, the effects of time and aging will eventually take a toll on the teeth. Every day dietary habits and indulgences like a cup of tea or coffee or an evening glass of wine; to uncontrollable habits like grinding your teeth in your sleep can cause staining, and wear down the teeth over time. And then there are the Cosmetic Dentistryeffects of unforeseen accidents, which can chip or even break part of a tooth.

While cosmetic dental problems may not necessarily call for immediate emergency treatment, the general appearance, and state of a person’s smile can affect everything from personal levels of confidence, to how competent and polished they appear to others. Everyone agrees that we should be judged on our character, but in an image based society, it isn’t just Hollywood celebrities or sports stars that could benefit from a little help putting their best smile forward.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Most dental patients have undergone some form of cosmetic dentistry in the past to correct anything from a stained to a chipped or missing tooth. In fact, it’s probably true that your favorite t.v. or sports star has undergone a few procedures to secure a camera ready, million dollar smile. At Harris Parkway Dental in Fort Worth, TX, the most common problems they treat include:

  • stained or discolored teeth
  • broken, chipped, or missing teeth
  • metallic fillings in need of replacement
  • misaligned teeth
  • gaps/unevenly spaced teeth

Many people choose to live with less than perfect smiles for a number of reasons, but the most common cosmetic dental issues can be easily repaired in one or two visits to the dentist.

Cosmetic Dentistry Services in Fort Worth

Harris Parkway Dental offers:

Dental implants

Dental Veneers


Teeth Whitening

To schedule an appointment with a cosmetic or family dentist in Fort Worth, TX, contact Harris Parkway Dental today at 817-423-2223.

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7:00 am-6:00 pm


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8:00 am-2:00 pm



