Why Dental Implants Can Improve Your Smile

When it comes time to visit Harris Parkway Dental Care in Fort Worth to replace your missing or badly damaged teeth, you likely have several options, including dentures, bridges and dental implants. Of these three, dental implants are generally the optimal Dental Implantschoice. Here are four ways dental implants from Harris Parkway Dental Care in Fort Worth can improve your smile.

1. Fill in Any Missing Gaps

No one wants to show off a smile that is full of gaps or holes. Thankfully, with dental implants, you don't have to. Whether you are missing one tooth or even all of your teeth, dental implants are a great way to complete your look for a smile you can be proud to show off.

2. Replace Any Badly Damaged Teeth

On the other hand, having a mouth full of badly damaged teeth can be almost just as bad as not having any teeth at all. Whether your teeth are worn away, cracked, broken, badly decayed or severely discolored, if they cannot be repaired, replacing them with dental implants from Harris Parkway Dental Care in Fort Worth may be the next best option.

3. Get a Dependable Smile

While you could also replace your missing teeth with dentures, dentures do have several drawbacks. For example, dentures can slip and slide and even fall out of your mouth unexpectedly. You can lose them and you can forget to put them in. Dental implants are much more dependable, however. Once the dentist sets them, you can pretty much forget them and simply care for them like normal teeth!

4. Get a Healthy Smile

Another common tooth replacement is bridges. The problem with bridges, however, is that your surrounding teeth must be shaved down to accommodate the bridge. Dental implants, on the other hand, leave all of your remaining teeth unaffected.

Your smile says a lot about you. Make sure it sends the right message. Visit Harris Parkway Dental Care in Fort Worth for dental implants and get a beautiful, healthy and dependable smile you can be proud to show off today!

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