Treating Your Gum Disease

What does the phrase "gum health" mean to you? No new cavities at your dental checkup? That's certainly part of it. Good oral health means a mouth that's free of disease - which can range from mild gingivitis (gum inflammation) to oral cancer. Dr. Jason Zuch is a licensed periodontist, bringing many years of experience in gum disease prevention to his practice, Zuch Periodontics & Dental Implants in Scottsdale, AZ.

Attacking Gum Disease

It's important to realize that small - and readily treatable - problems in your mouth can become more complicated, painful, and expensive if neglected for too long. Some of these oral health conditions can cause ramifications throughout the whole body. Gingivitis, for example, sometimes progresses to periodontitis - a more serious form of gum disease that can loosen teeth and cause them to fall out. Missing teeth can lead to bone loss in the jaw and inadequate nutrition. Numerous studies have shown that people with severe gum disease may be at increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Routine maintenance can pay off big.

A Few Techniques To Treat Gum Disease

  • Bone grafts: This procedure entails the collection of healthy gum tissue elsewhere in the mouth, and then applying it to the areas that need attention. Doing this encourages the regeneration of robust gum tissue and tightening of the gums around the teeth.
  • Root planing: The roots of your teeth are planed so that the tartar and buildup are removed and the gums can tighten around the roots again.
  • Antibiotics: Your dentist may suggest taking a round of antibiotics to quell the abundance of bacteria that have managed to grow underneath the gum pockets.

Simply put, oral health is a crucial component of your overall health and well-being. While a regular oral care routine can not address pockets and other gum diseases on its own, Dr. Zuch helps you obtain a smile that lets you express your happiest emotions with confidence. To make an appointment at Zuch Periodontics & Dental Implants in the Scottsdale, AZ, area, contact us at 602-889-8666 today.

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