Flossing & Oral Hygiene

Should I floss before or after brushing my teeth?


Q:  Should I floss before or after brushing my teeth?

Floss smile

A:  In general, a “Floss First” approach is generally recommended.  By flossing first, you remove any large debris thereby allowing a good electric toothbrush (Sonicare, Oral-B) access to the area in-between the teeth.  Although strong, electric toothbrushes often cannot dislodge large pieces...therefore I recommend “Floss First.”  You might have voted for “after” because typically that what the dental hygienist does at your cleaning appointment.  The difference is that during a dental hygiene appointment the large food debris, in addition to tartar/calculus, is removed by the metal hand instruments and the ultrasonic scaling unit.  This is a far more comprehensive clean than a simple flossing.  In addition, your hygienist likely flosses after polishing to help remove any residual polishing paste and send you home with that nice “clean” feeling.

In reality, very few people floss 1x/day as they should (only 5% according some studies).  So even if you like flossing after brushing, you’re doing better than the 95% of people not flossing at all!

Flossing technique is very important.  The following is a great technique review from the Oral-B website “The Proper Flossing Technique”: http://bit.ly/1fgguep

Four Key Elements of Proper Flossing

Gum disease begins at the gum line and between teeth. Daily flossing is an important part of your oral health care routine to help remove the plaque from these areas where a toothbrush doesn’t completely reach. But to truly reap the benefits, you need to use proper flossing technique.

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association explains the key elements of proper flossing technique in four simple steps:

Wind: Wind 18 inches of floss around middle fingers of each hand. Pinch floss between thumbs and index fingers, leaving a one- to two-inch length in between. Use thumbs to direct floss between upper teeth.

Guide: Keep a one- to two-inch length of floss taut between fingers. Use index fingers to guide floss between contacts of the lower teeth.

Glide: Gently guide floss between the teeth by using a zig-zag motion. DO NOT SNAP FLOSS BETWEEN YOUR TEETH. Contour floss around the side of the tooth.

Slide: Slide floss up and down against the tooth surface and under the gum line. Floss each tooth thoroughly with a clean section of floss. 


This technique applies to any type of floss: waxed, unwaxed, spongy floss or dental tape. It doesn’t matter whether you start with your upper or lower teeth, or whether you start in the front or the back. Just make sure that you floss all your teeth, including the back side of the very last tooth on the left, right, top and bottom of your mouth. And don’t forget to floss under the gum line and along the sides of teeth that border any spaces where teeth are missing -- food particles can become trapped in these spaces, too.

Using a Flosser

If you use a hand-held flosser, the flossing technique is similar. Hold the flosser handle firmly and point the flossing tip at an angle facing the area you want to floss first (either top teeth or bottom teeth). Guide the floss gently between two teeth, and be sure to avoid snapping or popping the floss. Use the same zigzag motion that you would us with standard floss. Bend the floss around each tooth and slide it under the gum line and along each tooth surface.

Using an Electric Flosser

The same basic flossing techniques apply if you choose an electric flosser. Guide the floss gently into place and move the flosser back and forth to create a zigzag motion with the floss. Do you have trouble reaching the back sides of the back teeth? Some flossers have angled handles that make it easier to reach those tricky spots.

Flossing Around Dental Work

If you wear braces or other dental appliances, proper flossing technique is especially important to avoid getting floss caught on wires or brackets. You can use special orthodontic floss, such as Oral-B Super Floss®, which has a stiff end that can be easily threaded under the main wire (also called the arch wire) on your braces. Or you can purchase a floss threader, which is a flexible device with a pick on one end and a loop on the other. To use a floss threader, place an 18-inch piece of the floss of your choice through the loop. Then insert the pointed end of the flosser under the main wire and pull through so the floss is under the main wire. Once you have the floss in place, follow the same principles of proper flossing technique that you would use with standard floss.

Being Gentle

Poor flossing technique can result in complications, and it's important to be thorough yet gentle, especially when flossing with an electric flosser. Be sure you understand how to use it. You can always ask your dentist or dental hygienist to show you if you are uncertain.

If you would like to speak about flossing/oral hygiene, or any other dental topic, please feel free to call the office and schedule a complimentary appointment with me.  Email and Twitter are also available options.  I am extremely passionate about modern dentistry and love discussing it with patients, so don’t hesitate to contact me. 



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