Common Dental Emergencies & How To Prevent Them

Many dental emergencies happen on a daily basis. There are so many things that can go wrong in your mouth. Learning how to prevent these types of emergencies will help you to keep your mouth healthy. At Healthy Life Dental Care, Dr. Elaine Lu, Dr. Nissim Benbassat, and Dr. Chad D'Abilio are here to serve you with emergency dentistry in Monrovia, CA.

What Are the Most Common Dental Emergencies?

One of the most common dental emergencies is toothache. Teeth may just start hurting suddenly or it can develop over time and get more severe. If your mouth is swelling, you should contact a provider for emergency dentistry. It's a sign of a serious problem, such as tooth decay. You can apply a cold compress to your cheek to reduce swelling while you get to the dental clinic.

Broken and chipped teeth can also be painful if the nerves are exposed to hot and cold sensations. This happens often when simply chewing down hard on some sort of food, such as popcorn. If your mouth is bleeding, use a piece of gauze with warm water on the site of the blood and a cool compress on the outside of your cheek.

Teeth can be knocked out from playing sports by a fall or accident. If your tooth is completely knocked out, pick it up by the portion that is called the crown--the part that is usually above your gumline. If it's dirty, rinse the tooth off with water. Put the tooth in a cup with milk or water and head for your emergency dentist.

Lost fillings and crowns happen often when you've had them for many years. You can place the filling or crown in a zipper bag and take it to your emergency dentistry office to be replaced.

How to Avoid Dental Emergencies

These common dental emergencies may be avoided with a few steps. The most important thing is to see your dentist in Monrovia, CA for regular appointments. This allows him to see if something is going to happen soon to one of your teeth so it can be repaired before it gives you an emergency toothache. Other items can help, such as:

  • Using a mouthguard
  • Being careful how you chew on hard items
  • Avoid chewing your nails or on pens

Trust the Professionals For Your Dental Emergencies

At Healthy Life Dental Services, our dentists Dr. Lu, Dr. Benbassat and Dr. D'Abilio are here to help with all of your emergency dentistry needs in Monrovia, CA. If you have an emergency, call us at (626) 256-3368 for further instructions and your emergency dental appointment.

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