Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Tooth loss got you down? We have the restoration to turn that smile around.

We understand that tooth loss is probably one of the worst dental problems an adult can deal with, and yet millions of Americans are missing at least one permanent tooth. Fortunately, when this problem happens it can be comforting to know that our Saint Johns, MI, dentists Dr. Christine Mason and Dr. Ona Erdt can restore your smile with dental implants. Implants have become a popular way for adults to replace missing teeth because they offer some amazing and one-of-a-kind benefits.

What is a dental implant? 

An implant is a small metal post or screw, usually made from titanium, that replaces the roots of your missing tooth. While it might sound odd, the roots of your teeth are very important not just for the health of the tooth but also for the health of your jawbone.

An implant is the only tooth replacement option that actually replaces the entire tooth, from roots to the crown to give you an artificial tooth that is as close to natural teeth as you can get. This is why so many people are turning to our Saint Johns, MI, dental team for dental implants.

What are the benefits of dental implants? 

Since implants are unlike any other tooth replacement options, they also offer a variety of one-of-a-kind benefits. If you do decide to get dental implants, here are just some of the benefits you’ll enjoy:

  • A tooth that is just as strong and durable as real teeth so you can chew and eat what you love
  • Fully restored speech (no more whistling through gaps in your teeth or awkward lisps)
  • A false tooth that has a very high success rate and is designed to last decades (it’s not abnormal for patients to have a dental implant for the rest of their lives)
  • A false tooth that will stay firmly in place and won’t move around
  • A restoration that doesn’t require special care, you can care for it the same way you do natural teeth (you don’t have to worry about buying special solutions or cleaning products, just your standard toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss will work)
  • A strong, healthy jawbone that will not deteriorate due to tooth loss because the implant stimulates the jawbone to produce new bone cells
  • Support for the facial muscles to preventing premature sagging and wrinkles

The dental team at St. Johns Smiles is ready to help you smile again with dental implants. To find out if dental implants are right for you, call our Saint Johns, MI, practice today at (989) 224-6727 to schedule a no-risk consultation.

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