Johanna Rodriguez


Newport Childrens Medical Group

(949) 644 0970

Navigating the Diagnostic Process for Developmental Delay: What to Expect

Discovering your child may have a developmental delay can be a daunting experience. However, understanding the diagnostic process can help ease concerns and ensure your child receives appropriate support and interventions. Working with your pediatrician to monitor your child's development is essential so any delays can be diagnosed early. Your pediatricians with Newport Children's Medical Group in Newport Beach and Mission Viejo, CA, can explain how developmental delays are diagnosed and what you can expect in the process. 

Diagnosing Developmental Delays 

Developmental delays can manifest in various areas, such as speech and language, motor skills, social interactions, and cognitive abilities. Parents are often first to notice these delays during everyday activities. Keep an eye on how your child functions and note any issues. This will help your pediatrician in Newport Beach or Mission Viejo, CA, understand what developmental delays your child might be facing. 

For children under three, early intervention programs provide evaluations and services tailored to developmental delays. These programs often involve a team of specialists, including speech therapists, occupational therapists, and developmental psychologists. Your pediatrician will also conduct a comprehensive evaluation to understand your child's strengths and challenges. Your pediatrician will use various tools and techniques, including standardized tests, questionnaires, and observational assessments, to gather information about your child's development. 

Your child's progress will be regularly reviewed, and the intervention plan will be adjusted as needed. This ensures the support remains effective and aligned with your child's evolving needs. Engaging in therapy sessions, implementing strategies at home, and maintaining open communication with therapists and educators are essential for your child's progress. 

Contact Your Pediatrician Today! 

Ensure your child's development is being monitored. Contact the pediatricians at Newport Children's Medical Group in Newport Beach and Mission Viejo, CA, to learn about developmental delays and how they're diagnosed. Call (949) 644-0970 for the Newport Beach, CA, office and (949) 364-8700 for the Mission Viejo, CA, office to schedule your appointment today. 

Discovering your child may have a developmental delay can be a daunting experience. However, understanding the diagnostic process can help ease concerns and ensure your child receives appropriate support and interventions. Working with your pediatrician to monitor your child's development is essential so any delays can be diagnosed early. Your pediatricians with Newport Children's Medical Group in Newport Beach and Mission Viejo, CA, can explain how developmental delays are diagnosed and what you can expect in the process. 

Diagnosing Developmental Delays 

Developmental delays can manifest in various areas, such as speech and language, motor skills, social interactions, and cognitive abilities. Parents are often first to notice these delays during everyday activities. Keep an eye on how your child functions and note any issues. This will help your pediatrician in Newport Beach or Mission Viejo, CA, understand what developmental delays your child might be facing. 

For children under three, early intervention programs provide evaluations and services tailored to developmental delays. These programs often involve a team of specialists, including speech therapists, occupational therapists, and developmental psychologists. Your pediatrician will also conduct a comprehensive evaluation to understand your child's strengths and challenges. Your pediatrician will use various tools and techniques, including standardized tests, questionnaires, and observational assessments, to gather information about your child's development. 

Your child's progress will be regularly reviewed, and the intervention plan will be adjusted as needed. This ensures the support remains effective and aligned with your child's evolving needs. Engaging in therapy sessions, implementing strategies at home, and maintaining open communication with therapists and educators are essential for your child's progress. 

Contact Your Pediatrician Today! 

Ensure your child's development is being monitored. Contact the pediatricians at Newport Children's Medical Group in Newport Beach and Mission Viejo, CA, to learn about developmental delays and how they're diagnosed. Call (949) 644-0970 for the Newport Beach, CA, office and (949) 364-8700 for the Mission Viejo, CA, office to schedule your appointment today. 

Newport Childrens Medical Group


1401 Avocado Street,
Suite 802,
Newport Beach, CA 9266

Johanna Rodriguez


26800 Crown Valley Pkwy Ste,
Suite 510,
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
