Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is an excellent way to nourish your newborn and bond with one another. There can be challenges, though, especially when dealing with special circumstances, such as nursing twins, preemies, or babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The experienced providers at Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville in Lawrenceville, GA Dr. Anu Sheth, Dr. Christian Messick, Dr. Annie Hoang, and Dr. Anna Lawson, offer breastfeeding guidance and can help you overcome the challenges of nursing under special circumstances.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding offers numerous benefits to both mother and child, especially when done exclusively for the first six months after birth. Some of the primary benefits of nursing your baby include:

  • Babies can easily digest breastmilk
  • Breastmilk provides an optimal balance of nutrients
  • Breastmilk contains antibodies to help fight off various infections and diseases
  • Reduces baby’s risk of ear infections, type 1 diabetes, asthma, and obesity
  • Helps women return to their pre-pregnancy weight by burning calories and shrinking the uterus
  • Reduces the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers in moms
  • Helps promote bonding between mom and baby

Breastfeeding Challenges

Many women experience various problems when breastfeeding, such as not producing enough breast milk. Another common breastfeeding issue is that some babies have a difficult time latching onto the breast, which can make it difficult to get enough milk. Special circumstances, such as nursing twins, preemies, or NICU babies, can also pose challenges to breastfeeding. The knowledgeable providers at our pediatric office in Lawrenceville, GA, can help with breastfeeding challenges, including special circumstances.

Breastfeeding Twins: Breastfeeding twins presents several unique challenges, such as needing to produce enough breastmilk for both babies. Another potential difficulty is figuring out what position to use for nursing, especially if both babies end up breastfeeding at the same time. Likewise, it can be challenging to nurse twins separately since it requires more time and can leave the mom feeling more tired. We can help with developing a feeding schedule, increasing milk production, and more.

Breastfeeding Preemies: Babies who are born prematurely can be more vulnerable to illness and infection. Since breastmilk provides key nutrients and antibodies to help babies stay healthy, it is especially beneficial to breastfeed preemies. One difficulty, though, is that premature babies often take longer to learn how to nurse than babies born full-term. Hospital staff, as well as our caring providers, can help with nursing positions and attachment techniques to help your little one learn to breastfeed.

Breastfeeding NICU Babies: Babies in the NICU can begin breastfeeding directly from the mom’s breast once they are receiving oxygen through a small tube in the nose. NICU babies can also receive breastmilk through an NG tube or a g-tube even if they cannot nurse directly from the breast. In this case, the mother needs to pump regularly to help the body continue producing breastmilk.

The benefits of breastfeeding are numerous. However, it can be difficult when dealing with special circumstances, but we are here to help. Schedule an appointment with one of our skilled providers Dr. Sheth, Dr. Messick, Dr. Hoang, and Dr. Lawson for help and guidance with breastfeeding by calling Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville in Lawrenceville, GA, at (770) 277-6725.

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738 Old Norcross Rd, Suite 100
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
Tel: (770) 277 - 6725

Monday - Friday
8AM - 5PM