Could Your Child Have Asthma?

If your child seems to get out of breath quickly, you may be wondering if they have asthma. Dr. Anu Sheth, Dr. Christian Messick, and Dr. Anna Lawson of Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville can diagnose the condition and provide asthma management in Lawrenceville, GA.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a disease that affects your airways if they become swollen or inflamed and cause a buildup of mucus that makes it difficult to breathe. It is one of the most common long-term diseases affecting children, but an adult can have asthma, too. Asthma causes wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing at night or early in the morning. There is no cure for asthma, but the symptoms can be managed, and some children even outgrow their asthma as they get older.

What Can Cause an Asthma Attack?

It is important to understand what triggers an asthma attack in your child so you can avoid it if possible. This way, you prevent the attack from happening in the first place. The following can cause an attack:

  • Infections like colds and the flu
  • Physical exertion
  • Allergies to pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and more
  • Smoke, fumes, and pollution
  • Stress
  • Cold or dry air

Asthma Management in Lawrenceville, GA

Your doctor will typically treat asthma with a combination of long-term asthma control medication and a fast-acting emergency inhaler. You should also schedule regular checkups with your pediatricians to monitor your child’s asthma.

To help your child, you can make sure to avoid their triggers, remain calm during an attack, make sure they are taking their medications as prescribed, and keep up with their pediatrician appointments. If your child is having an asthma attack and the symptoms persist after the use of an inhaler, you should seek emergency treatment right away.

Contact Us

Reach out to Dr. Sheth, Dr. Messick, and Dr. Lawson of Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville at (770) 277-6725 to schedule an asthma management appointment for your child in Lawrenceville, GA, today.

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Our Office


738 Old Norcross Rd, Suite 100
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
Tel: (770) 277 - 6725

Monday - Friday
8AM - 5PM