Anxiety Treatments

Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville (PAL) in Lawrenceville, GA can provide your child or teen with many high-quality care treatments that improve their physical and mental health. For example, Dr. Anu Sheth, Dr. Christian Messick, Dr. Annie Hoang and Dr. Anna Lawson can provide anxiety treatment, that can ensure your children feel better about their life. Understanding the various care options available for young ones can ensure that you get the best results.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a powerful tool that can correct negative patterns of behavior that may reinforce anxiety. For example, our anxiety treatment in Lawrenceville, GA, often focuses on teaching your child how to spot behaviors that may cause them stress in the first place.

For example, if your child develops anxiety when they don't finish their homework, our lessons can help them recognize this fact and change their behavior by getting their schoolwork done sooner. These steps are often complex but effective in managing this concern.

Attention Bias Modification Treatment

Children with anxiety often have what specialists call an attention bias. This means that they focus on those things that cause their anxiety and struggle to shut off their mind when thinking of these issues. Attention Bias Modification Treatment (ABMT) helps by teaching them coping tips that make it easier to focus away from their anxiety.

For example, your child can learn how to replace their negative or anxious thoughts with positive ones or focus their attention on less destructive ideas. This step takes some time to implement correctly but can be a powerful tool for regaining your child's happiness and avoiding unnecessary anxiety that may affect them.


Treatment experts can provide your child with various medications that minimize their anxiety symptoms. These medications can supply many different relief options and can help control your child's negative behaviors in several ways. For example, medications can:

  • Balance their hormones to decrease their anxiety symptoms
  • Calm out-of-control anxiety to restore balance to their life
  • Make it easier to go through other care methods with us

Typically, we'll prescribe a medication regimen that makes sense for your child's symptoms. We start with the lowest dose and work up, if necessary, to help your child feel better. Don't worry: we don't increase doses without your approval and only when necessary for your child's care.

Take Care of Your Child

Does your child have anxiety that is taking over their life? They deserve relief that makes it easier for them to feel happy. At Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville (PAL) in Lawrenceville, GA, our diverse team of doctors Dr. Anu Sheth, Dr. Christian Messick, Dr. Annie Hoang and Dr. Anna Lawson can provide anxiety treatment for children, and teens to help them feel better about life. Please call us at (770) 277-6725 to learn more about the care options available to you.

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738 Old Norcross Rd, Suite 100
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
Tel: (770) 277 - 6725

Monday - Friday
8AM - 5PM