Why Are Immunizations Important?

Protecting your child is important and there’s so many ways that your child needs to be protected. When it comes to specific diseases, your child is at risk of getting severely ill without the proper care. The best way to prevent these diseases is with immunizations. Dr. Anu Sheth, Dr. Christian Messick and Dr. Anna Lawson at Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville (PAL) in Lawrenceville, GA, can explain how immunizations protect your child and why they’re so important.

Immunizations Shield Your Child

When a child is young, their immune system hasn’t yet developed, and they’re left at risk for developing certain illnesses that may be difficult to fight off. Instead of leaving your child to fight off a dangerous disease, you can be sure that your child gets the immunizations that they need to be protected from these issues.

Immunizations from your child’s pediatrician help introduce a disease your child in small amounts so that your child’s immune system can properly learn how to defend itself from that specific illness. This helps keep your child safe and helps them avoid unnecessary doctor’s visits.

Immunizations start at birth and will continue for the first few years of your child’s life. The only immunizations that they will need to update are their flu shot every year and their tetanus shot every ten years. These immunizations help keep your child from getting severely sick and keep them feeling happy and healthy throughout their life. If your child is missing any immunizations, their doctor can explain the new catch-up schedule so that they can remain up to date.

Contact Your Child’s Pediatrician Today

Make sure you’re doing all that you can to protect your child. Contact Dr. Anu Sheth, Dr. Christian Messick and Dr. Anna Lawson at Pediatric Associates of Lawrenceville (PAL) in Lawrenceville, GA, to learn more about the importance of immunizations. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (770) 277-6725.

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738 Old Norcross Rd, Suite 100
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
Tel: (770) 277 - 6725

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8AM - 5PM