When Is A Dental Crown Needed?

Dental crowns are cap-like prosthetics that fit over teeth. They have many benefits. Royal Dental Center of West Bloomfield, MI, provides patients with dental crowns for a variety of reasons.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are caps that replicate natural teeth and fit over teeth. Some of their uses include:

  1. They protect loose fillings from completely dislodging.
  2. They protect teeth that have undergone invasive procedures like dental implants and root canals.
  3. Crowns support or reinforce teeth that have become weakened because of a procedure or extreme decay.
  4. The cap-like prosthetic also hides unattractive teeth that are severely stained or mishappen.

Types of Crowns

There are different types of materials for crowns. The most commonly used are porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and zirconium. The best option depends on your budget and your situation, so make sure you discuss the best treatment plan and options with your West Bloomfield, MI, dentist.

How to Care for Dental Crowns

Maintaining proper oral care is key to protecting dental crowns and natural teeth. You should:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day to prevent food debris from accumulating.
  • Floss every day to remove food debris from hard-to-reach places, like between teeth.
  • You need to use fluoride-containing mouthwash to rinse out food debris and prevent cavities.
  • Drink plenty of water to wash away food particles.
  • Eat healthy foods like apples that can scrape teeth clean.
  • Avoid sugary foods that act as food for acid-producing bacteria that break down teeth.
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning and for regular checkups.

Do You Need to Speak With a Dentist?

Your West Bloomfield MI, dentist is just as vital for helping your overall health as any other doctor. If you skip dental care, you risk systematic issues. Visit Royal Dental Center or call 248-863-9109 to make an appointment.

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