Adventures in Africa

Dr. Milford with her two sisters from Down Under

Providing care at Christian Academy with Norman Banda in Zimbabwe

Taking a break after a long day at the Christian Academy

Say hi to Beretta, our doggy host in Livingstone, Zamibia

Libuya Clinic in Livingstone, named for David Livingstone, the Scottish missionary and explorer

Painting a Zambia schoolhouse. It turns out that we're better doctors than painters.

Open air markets in Livingstone, Zambia. We couldn't find Powell's Candy Store.

We provided home-based care in villages around Livingstone

This goat did not believe that we have a Safari Room in Los Gatos

Babies line up for checkups at the Linda Clinic in Zambia

Meeting new friends on a long walk to provide care to remote villages

Doing checkups for some new friends

After-school care and story time... kids in Africa like Cat in the Hat! Beretta helped us. He's the one with the pink tongue and no school uniform.

Nightlife at the Cafe Zambezi in Livingstone

This lady is not a Detroit Lion. She is an African Lion. She thinks that soccer is called football.

One of these things is not like the others...

Guess which one is the lion...

Watch out for warthogs and monkeys at the Zimbabwe border crossing!

Victoria Falls, named for Queen Victoria, on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia

Relaxing on the Zamebezi River cruise near Victoria Falls

The sisters take a Rhino Walk.. just not too close to the big guys

The giraffe on the top is a cousin of Griff, the tall guy in our Safari Exam Room

On the Chobe Safari, the elephants and impalas needed checkups and flu shots

Unlike Disneyland, the elephants on this river safari were real

It's bath time on the Zambezi... the hippo sings in the shower

Check out the hefflaumps, crocosmiles and peeples

Water buffaloes have hard heads. And elephants have long noses.

There is simply nothing more noble on Earth than the elephant

The sisters with their guide, Daniel

Elephant Valley Lodge in Botswana's Chobe National Park

Relaxing in the Zambezi sun. Apparently, zebras get stripes when they tan.

A Zambezi sunset paints the sky to end a perfect trip

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