FAQs About Newborn Care

FAQs About Newborn Care

A newborn is special and requires special care. If you are new to being a parent, it’s only natural to have a few questions. Your pediatrician has the answers. Drs. Komal Afzal, Iris Li, and Joseph Gali at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA, offer comprehensive pediatric medicine services, including newborn care.

Frequently Asked Questions About Newborn Care

When should the first newborn care visit happen? 

Our pediatrician will see your newborn for a first visit, typically within 2 to 5 days of you giving birth. The first visit is often done while you and your baby are still in the hospital.

What do I need to know about feeding my newborn?

Typically, your newborn will want to feed every 2 to 3 hours if you are breastfeeding. If you are feeding your newborn formula, your baby will want to feed every 3 to 4 hours.

What do I need to know about the sleeping habits of my newborn?

In the first few weeks, your newborn will want to sleep at least 16 hours a day. Remember to place your baby on his or her back to sleep. This helps prevent breathing difficulties while your baby is sleeping.

What do I need to know about diaper changes?

Your newborn’s stool will be black at first and then change to dark green and then to yellow. If the stool appears red, your baby should see a pediatrician, because it might be a sign of blood in the stool.

What do I need to know about bathing my newborn?

Don’t bathe your baby too often because it can dry out your baby’s skin. When you bathe your newborn, use only mild soap and lukewarm water. Clean the skin folds thoroughly to keep your newborn’s skin bacteria-free.

Want To Know More

To learn more about newborn care and how your pediatrician can help, call Drs. Komal Afzal, Iris Li, and Joseph Gali at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA. You can reach them in the office by calling (408) 358-2624, so call today.

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