Nutrition and Growth: Supporting Optimal Physical Development

Nutrition and Growth: Supporting Optimal Physical Development

LG Pediatrics, serving Los Gatos, CA, and the nearby region, has Dr. Komal Afzal, Dr. Iris Li, and Dr. Joseph Gali, who all specialize in children's care and stress the importance of nutrition on pediatric development and growth. Our pediatric specialists would like to help you understand the difference between the two, provide you with tips, and educate you about how we can help.

How Nutrition Affects Growth

The body requires nutrients to carry out various functions for optimal health, problem prevention in the future, and growth and development. A nutrient deficiency as a child grows can be detrimental and lead to delayed sexual maturation and a reduction in full height potential. A child who doesn't receive adequate nutrients may not have energy. They may have a reduction in strength when compared to how they would be if they had adequate nutrition. And these are merely a few examples of how nutrition impacts growth.

Learning Good Eating Habits

Any pediatric specialist you see at our office will emphasize how good eating habits start young. We'll educate you about how to create well-rounded meals for your little one, even if they have dietary restrictions, such as your family practices veganism.

We'll provide you with information on how to regulate how much your child eats. And if you're unsure of how much to give your child per mealtime, we can help you determine healthy portions.

Besides helping them maintain a healthy weight, it's essential to ensure your child gets enough nutrients of all types, which we'll incorporate as your Los Gatos, CA, pediatric development specialist helps you create meals for your little one.

Monitoring Growth and Development

At each visit, we'll take your child's weight and height. We'll monitor their vitals and ask about any concerns you have. After this assessment, we can determine if your child has any delays. Part of the treatment approach may include improving your kid's diet. Keep in mind that we start the monitoring process as soon as they're born.

We'll compare your child's growth to other kids their age and gender and will also contrast it with the previous appointment to ensure your child is growing.

If we notice any problems, we'll intervene instantly with an approach to get your child on track, such as by recommending supplemental drinks.

Drs. Afzal, Li, and Gali at LG Pediatrics, serving Los Gatos, CA, and the general vicinity, are here for your child from birth to their last visit with us. During the entire time, we're making sure your child is on track and remains healthy in terms of pediatric development. We provide intervention, including patient/parent education.

Contact us today for an appointment by calling our office at (408) 358-2624.

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