Well Visits for Teenagers

Well Visits for Teenagers

As your child grows up, their needs will change as they develop. Each age may be met with different issues you might face and a difference in care from their doctor. A well visit as a baby is extremely different from a well visit as a teen. Dr. Komal Afzal, Dr. Iris Li, and Dr. Joseph Gali at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA, can explain adolescent care and how visits will change as your child gets older.

Well Visits for Teenagers

As your child gets older, their body will change, and their needs will be different. Adolescent care from our pediatrician in Los Gatos, CA, is different from newborn care or child care and it’s important to know what might change. At this age, your child is likely going through puberty and may need care if they’re participating in a sport.

At a well visit with your teen, you can expect their vitals to be checked. This includes their blood pressure, pulse, weight, and height. Certain booster shots and vaccines can also be administered at this time to ensure that they stay protected from specific illnesses and diseases.

As your teen gets older, their mental health may change, and it can affect how they behave. It’s important for them to know that they have a safe space during these visits to talk about any concerns that they may have. They can also start to learn about concerns like depression, substance abuse, body image, and learning to drive safely. This can help keep your teen safe in the future and help them understand what pressures they may face and how to deal with them.

Contact Our Pediatrician Today

Make sure you understand how to care for your teenager. Contact Dr. Afzal, Dr. Li, and Dr. Gali at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA, to learn more about adolescent care and what your teenager might need. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (408) 358-2624.

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