What Are the Symptoms of an Ear Infection?

What Are the Symptoms of an Ear Infection?

Your child may experience a range of symptoms that indicate there is an ear infection present. A visit to a pediatrician is needed when your child can't be consoled, or there has been prolonged fever. At LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA, you can have your child examined by a pediatrician if you suspect that they have an ear infection in order to get the treatment they need. Our providers include Dr. Iris Li, Dr. Joseph Gali, and Dr. Komal Afzal, and each is ready to take care of your child's healthcare needs.

Symptoms in Children Who Have an Ear Infection

Your child may not be able to tell you that they are experiencing ear pain. If you have a child who isn't old enough to talk, you might notice that they tug at their ears in distress. Symptoms of an ear infection often include a fever, excessive crying, difficulty being consoled, ear tugging, trouble hearing, or even hitting their ears. When you have a young child that is showing signs of distress, it's important to have your child evaluated by a pediatrician to see what is going on.

What to Do for an Ear Infection

An ear infection doesn't require antibiotics right away. If you suspect that your child has an ear infection, you can start with pain medication to ease their discomfort. You can try warm compress to ease the pain of an ear infection at home. If your child's fever continues to rise, or they no longer respond well to pain medication, it's time to see the pediatrician for possible intervention.

Schedule With a Pediatrician in Los Gatos, CA Now

If your child has a fever for more than a few days, ear pain, trouble sleeping, or continually cries without calming down, it's time to see a pediatrician for further evaluation. Contact LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA at (408) 358-2624, and set up an appointment with Dr. Li, Dr. Gali, or Dr. Afzal, for your child to be seen.

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