How Often Should a Teenager Visit a Doctor?

How Often Should a Teenager Visit a Doctor?

Consult with Dr. Iris Li, Dr. Joseph Gali, and Dr. Komal Afzal of LG Pediatrics if your teenager needs a pediatrician in Los Gatos, CA.

When Should a Teenager See a Pediatrician?

As your child enters their teenage years, you expect them to become more capable. When they were younger, they may have had a hard time letting you know when they were feeling ill. Now that they are generally more aware of their body, you can count on them to tell you if something’s wrong.

Of course, not all of the medical issues that may affect your teenager are easily recognizable. There may be something off about their current condition or development that they aren't recognizing because they don’t even realize that it’s an issue. Teenagers still have some important gaps in knowledge so lending them a helping hand whenever possible is crucial.

If you want to maintain close tabs on your child’s condition and development, you should schedule regular consultations with our pediatricians. At a minimum, your child should head in for annual consultations.

An annual visit to the pediatrician should be the baseline for any healthy teenager. Let your child know that they don’t need to shy away from doctor’s visits. Whenever they sense that something’s wrong, assure them talking to a doctor is perfectly fine.

You should also give your child more responsibility when it comes to their medical care. Allow them to decide when they want to have their annual check-up or additional consultations. Giving your child the opportunity to speak to their doctor alone is also a good idea because it encourages them to be more open with any issues they have.

Dr. Li, Dr. Gali, and Dr. Afzal of LG Pediatrics can offer their services to any family who is seeking a pediatrician in Los Gatos, CA.

What Issues May Be Addressed During Your Teenager’s Visit to the Pediatrician?

Teenagers can experience a wide variety of medical issues.

As your child matures, they may have to start questions about their developing body. Many teenagers have a tough time talking about those issues with their parents. They may be more open to discussing them with a doctor.

Sadly, many teenagers these days also suffer from mental health problems. Pediatricians can pick up on those issues during consultations. They understand how to broach those topics properly so your child can speak more freely about how they are feeling.

Annual check-ups can help your child get a better handle on their current condition so don’t neglect those appointments.

Set your child’s annual pediatrician visit in Los Gatos, CA by calling (408) 358-2624 and booking an appointment with Dr. Li, Dr. Gali, and Dr. Afzal of LG Pediatrics.

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