FAQs About Newborn Care

FAQs About Newborn Care

At LG Pediatrics, Dr. Iris Li, Dr. Joseph Gali, and Dr. Komal Afzal are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for you and your family. Newborns need special, gentle care and our doctors can help you with any questions about newborn care in Los Gatos, CA. Read commonly asked questions about caring for newborns and call today to make an appointment for your newest family member.

What Special Care Do Newborns Require?

Newborn babies need to be handled with care and you need to mind your hygiene. Always wash or disinfect your hands and arms before handling the baby. Handwashing is important for stopping the spread of germs, especially for protecting newborns. Always support the baby's head and neck when handling them. You need to be gentle with a newborn at all times.

How Do I Bathe a Newborn?

When you start bathing, use lukewarm water and bathe your baby gently with soft washcloths and only cleansers made for babies. You should bathe a newborn 2-3 times a week, because bathing more often than that can dry out their delicate skin.

When Should My Newborn See a Doctor?

Newborn babies should have well-baby visits a few days after being home from the hospital. Then at 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 9 months. You should call your doctor about your newborn when:

  • The baby has any fever above 100.4 degrees
  • The baby stops eating
  • They develop a rash
  • If the skin or whites of their eyes turn yellow
  • They can't be consoled

Newborn Care in Los Gatos, CA

Dr. Li, Dr. Gali, or Dr. Afzal are here to provide newborn care in Los Gatos, CA, for your smallest family members. Contact us for an appointment at LG Pediatrics, at (408) 358-2624.

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