What To Know About Childhood Asthma

What To Know About Childhood Asthma

Asthma is a common chronic condition among children, and it can be scary when your child has an acute asthma attack. Your pediatrician can help manage and treat your child’s asthma, so your child can breathe better. Drs. Komal Afzal, Iris Li, and Joseph Gali at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA, provide comprehensive children’s medical care, including asthma diagnosis and treatment.

What You Need To Know About Childhood Asthma

So, how do you know if your child has asthma? There are a few common signs and symptoms to look out for, including:

  • Severe coughing and wheezing
  • Breathing difficulties
  • A tight feeling in the chest
  • Recurrent episodes of bronchitis
  • Illnesses like colds or flu lasting longer

If your child is an infant or toddler, signs and symptoms of asthma may be more difficult to notice and can include:

  • Feeding more slowly
  • Having breathing difficulties while feeding
  • Tiring quickly when active

These signs and symptoms are often more severe in children because a child’s airways are smaller.

Asthma is often accompanied by allergies. In fact, exposure to an allergic substance, known as an allergen, can often bring on an asthmatic attack. Common allergens for your child to avoid include:

  • Grasses and trees
  • Plant and flower pollens
  • Pet fur and pet dander
  • Mold and mildew
  • Dust and dust mites

Your pediatrician may recommend allergy testing to determine what your child is allergic to, so your child can avoid exposure to the allergen. Treatment for allergies may include:

  • Allergy injections
  • Sublingual immunotherapy
  • Prescription antihistamines and decongestants

Our pediatrician may also recommend asthma testing using spirometry or peak flow measurement to determine the level of lung function. Treatment for asthma may include:

  • Rescue inhalers for short-term relief
  • Long-term asthma medications for asthma management

Want To Know More?

To learn more about childhood asthma and how your pediatrician can help, call Drs. Afzal, Li, and Gali at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA. You can reach them in the office by calling (408) 358-2624, so call today.

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