Understanding Achilles Tendonitis

The condition can seriously impact your quality of life, affecting your ability to walk, run, or even stand. But you can relieve the discomfort associated with Achilles tendonitis with the help of our Campbell, CA, foot and ankle doctor, Dr. Douglas Robinson.

Achilles Tendon

Your Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body, extending from your calf down to your heel, and you use it for just about everything. Achilles tendonitis occurs when the tendon becomes inflamed, typically due to overuse.


You may feel only mild pain in the beginning, often after exercise, but you may eventually experience severe pain. Visible symptoms include swelling and stiffness, the latter of which may diminish after warming up.


Excessive exercise is a common cause of the condition, especially the types of workouts that put a lot of stress on your Achilles tendon. Working out without warming up, or suddenly increasing your exercise routine can also contribute to the condition, along with wearing improper footwear.


You can lower your risk of developing the condition by stretching and warming up before and after exercise, slowly increasing the intensity of your workouts, combining both low and high-impact exercises, and wearing supportive shoes that are appropriate for your feet, speak with your podiatrist to learn more.

Achilles Tendonitis Treatment in Campbell, CA

It's important to seek treatment to prevent your condition from worsening. Your doctor may recommend applying ice and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as reducing your levels of physical activity until your condition improves. Bandaging to restrict motion, custom-made orthotics, and physical therapy can also help improve your symptoms. If they don't improve with conservative treatments then our doctor may suggest undergoing surgical intervention to repair the tendon.

If you are looking for relief from Achilles tendonitis symptoms and want to explore your treatment options in Campbell, CA, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Robinson by dialing (408) 370-3338.