Common Foot Problems and How To Prevent Them

Your feet are subjected to a lot of stress and strain. They carry your weight, let you stand, and help you walk. As a result, foot problems are very common. Your podiatrist can help. Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA, offers comprehensive podiatry services, including treatment of common foot problems.

What You Can Do To Prevent Common Foot Problems

You can do a lot to prevent common foot problems. Let’s look at some of the most common foot issues and how you can prevent them:

Heel pain is caused by stepping on sharp objects, excess calcium deposits on your heels, or inflammation of the tissue on your heel, a condition known as plantar fasciitis. To help prevent heel pain, always wear supportive, comfortable shoes with are appropriate for the activity you are doing. Maintaining a healthy weight and doing daily arch stretches can help too. Your podiatrist can treat heel pain with:

  • Custom orthotics to support your heels
  • Shock wave therapy to break up hard deposits on your heels
  • Cortisone injections to decrease inflammation

Bunions are caused by a genetic bone deformity in your big toe joint, resulting in your big toe joint protruding outward. You can help prevent bunions by wearing shoes with a wide toe box, with plenty of room for your toes. Avoid high heels, which can thrust toes forward. Your podiatrist can treat bunions with:

  • Custom orthotics to help realign your foot
  • Night splints to realign your toe
  • Physical therapy to improve flexibility
  • Bunion surgery to remove the bunion and realign your toe

Toenail fungus is caused by exposure to fungus growing in moist, warm areas like public pools and showers. To help prevent toenail fungus, always wear shoes in public areas and avoid going barefoot. Change your socks often, and don’t share linens or socks with others. To treat toenail fungus, your podiatrist may recommend:

  • Prescription antifungal cream
  • Laser treatment to kill the fungus

Want To Know More About the Prevention and Treatment of Common Foot Problems?

To find out more about the prevention and treatment of common foot problems and how your podiatrist can help, call Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA. You can reach him in the office by calling (408) 370-3338, so call today.