Causes and Risk Factors for Flat Feet

Having flat feet is a common problem among people of all ages. Flat feet, also known as fallen arches, can lead to pain in your feet, legs, back, and other areas because your feet aren’t absorbing impact as well. Your podiatrist can help with flat feet. Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA, provides a wide range of foot and ankle services, including diagnosis and treatment of flat feet.

What You Need To Know About Flat Feet

Your risk of developing flat feet increases if you:

  • Are older
  • Have diabetes
  • Are overweight
  • Have rheumatoid or osteoarthritis
  • Experience an injury to your feet or ankles

Flat feet do not usually cause signs or symptoms on their own, but they can lead to other problems, including:

  • Foot and leg fatigue
  • Pain your arches or in your heel
  • Increasing foot pain with activity
  • Swelling and pain on the inside of your ankle

For mild signs and symptoms of flat feet, you can try:

  • Switching from high-impact sports like running to low-impact sports including swimming
  • Losing extra weight to relieve pressure and stress on your feet
  • Resting and elevating your feet to relieve pressure and reduce pain
  • Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medication

For moderate to severe flat feet symptoms, or if flat feet are affecting your quality of life, it’s time to visit your podiatrist, who may recommend:

  • Custom-fit orthotics and other supportive and assistive devices
  • Stretching and physical therapy to keep you flexible
  • Thermal therapy to reduce swelling and improve circulation
  • Prescription-strength anti-inflammatory medication to reduce inflammation and pain

For severe signs and symptoms associated with flat feet, your podiatrist may recommend surgery to repair damaged tendons and ligaments. Surgery can help restore normal foot function and improve your mobility. 

Want To Know More About Flat Feet?

To learn more about the causes, risk factors, and treatment of flat feet, call Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA. You can reach him in the office by calling (408) 370-3338, so call today.