What Are Flat Feet and What Causes Them?

While you are the primary person who is responsible for the care and treatment of your feet, a podiatrist is an important source of ongoing support. One common foot disorder that can lead to complications is flat feet, also called “fallen arches” or pes planus. See Dr. Douglas Robinson at the Foot Health Center in Campbell, CA, to learn about the latest therapies and treatments available for flat feet.

What Are Flat Feet and What Causes Them?

Flat feet are an abnormality that causes the whole bottom surface of the feet to touch the floor when you're standing. That is abnormal because the feet are naturally designed to have an arch for functional reasons. Flat feet usually appear from birth in young children, so they may be genetic. They may also develop due to a very athletic lifestyle, strain on the feet from standing up for long periods, or obesity.

Are Flat Feet a Problem?

If you or your child is diagnosed with flat feet that don’t hurt or cause other significant foot conditions, your Campbell, CA, podiatrist may recommend that immediate treatment isn’t necessary. However, the ideal form of your feet for good support and balance is with an arch below the big toe and in front of the inside heel. When the foot is arched it is a sign that the tendon that supports the bottom of your feet is strong and healthy. If a case of flat feet starts to put a strain on the bones and tendons, then you should have them examined by your podiatrist.

Can Foot Treatments Help?

Flat feet are usually incurable, especially if they are rigid or you have had them since childhood. However, there are a few therapies that might help reduce pain and inflammation:

  • Arch supports are customized by your podiatrist.
  • Splinting and bracing the feet.
  • Pain relievers (oral and injections by your doctor).
  • Foot exercises to improve strength and flexibility.

Therapy for Your Flat Feet

Your flat feet may not be a major cause for concern at the moment, but if they start to cause you daily discomfort, know that help is available. Take a moment to call (408) 370-3338 to schedule a talk with Dr. Douglas Robinson at the Foot Health Center in Campbell, CA, to decide if it's time to explore therapy for issues related to flat feet.