Long Term Effects Of Untreated Bunions

Want to know what can happen to your feet if you don’t care for bunions? 

A bunion is one of the most common foot problems that our Campbell, CA, podiatrist Dr. Douglas Robinson treats. This condition causes a deformity to develop in the joint at the base of the big toe. A bunion is progressive, meaning that this deformity will continue to enlarge over time, especially if not properly treated.

How can you treat bunion symptoms? 

If you’re not quite sure whether or not you have bunions, our Campbell, CA, foot doctor can easily diagnose this condition by simply examining the foot. We may recommend imaging tests to be able to take a closer look and to understand the extent and severity of the deformity. Those with minor or small bunions can often manage symptoms on their own with conservative home care that includes,

  • Icing the bunion a few times a day for 10-20 minutes at a time
  • Taking over-the-counter pain relievers when experiencing pain or swelling
  • Performing foot exercises designed to strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the bunion
  • Wearing the proper footwear and avoiding high heels or shoes with a narrow toe box (this is a key component to protecting your feet and preventing issues from getting worse)
  • Wearing arch supports and shoe inserts, including prescription orthotics
  • Wearing a night splint to “realign” the joint while sleeping

What happens if you don’t manage your bunion? 

While you can’t reverse a bunion (the only way to get rid of a bunion is with surgery), if you take the steps above you can slow the progression of a bunion enough to prevent needing surgery in the future. So, what happens if you decide not to properly care for your bunion? If you keep wearing high heels and shoes that don’t provide enough support you’ll find that the bunion will progress faster. As the deformity grows, the joint will jut out more, making it challenging to fit your feet into your shoes without pain. The joint may also develop a painful callus.

As the joint deformity grows, the big toe will eventually cross over the smaller toes, which puts more pressure on the smaller toes and can lead to other biomechanical issues. The bunion can also increase your risk for arthritis, particularly in the big toe. Arthritis can lead to permanent and severe joint damage that will require surgery to repair. These are just a few of the complications that can occur if you leave your bunion untreated.

If you are dealing with pain, swelling, and other issues due to bunions, know that our Campbell, CA, podiatrist Dr. Robinson provides comprehensive bunion treatment to those living in and around the Bay Area, CA. To schedule an evaluation, call us at (408) 370-3338.