What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Your feet are an important part of your body and without them, you wouldn’t be able to participate in most of your normal daily activities. When you start to experience pain in your feet, it can be difficult to function normally and deal with the pain you might be experiencing. If you’re active and spend a lot of time on your feet, it’s common that you might start experiencing heel pain as a result once you’ve been sitting for a short amount of time. Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA, can explain what plantar fasciitis is and how it can be dealt with.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is most commonly referred to as heel pain and will be most severe once you’ve woken up. It can feel difficult to walk and your feet may feel sore and stiff. You may find yourself limping after you’ve been sitting because it may feel painful to try and walk normally.

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia, which runs through the foot from the ball of the foot to the heel, is inflamed and causing irritation. This is commonly caused by overuse and can be managed through conservative, at-home treatments.

Your podiatrist in Campbell, CA, may recommend some treatments you can do at home to manage your pain and strengthen your foot in the process. You should be wearing properly fitting shoes and may want to start using custom orthotics to add support to your foot.

You can also ice your foot throughout the day and perform stretching and strengthening exercises to relieve some of the pain you might experience. In severe cases, your podiatrist may recommend surgery to correct any issues with the plantar fascia and provide relief from your heel pain.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today!

Don’t let heel pain stop you from enjoying your life. Contact Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA, to learn about plantar fasciitis and if it may be affecting you. Call for more information today at (408) 370-3338.