Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

If you are one of the two million people suffering from plantar fasciitis, Dr. Douglas Robinson, your podiatrist in Campbell, CA, is here to help. 

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is the leading cause of heel pain in adults ages 40 to 60. While many refer to this condition as inflammation, plantar fasciitis pain is caused by the degeneration of collagen where the plantar fascia originates. 

Plantar Fasciitis Causes

The plantar fascia’s job is similar to your car’s shock absorbers. It supports the arch of your foot by absorbing pressure from your weight. When multiple microtears occur, with no time to repair itself in between injuries, the plantar fascia begins to degenerate.

While anyone can develop plantar fasciitis, there are several factors that can put you at greater risk. These include:

  • Age
  • Exercise that stresses your heel and connected tissue
  • Foot mechanics, particularly high arches or flat feet
  • Obesity
  • Occupations that require long hours on your feet 
  • Wearing shoes without proper support
  • Exercising without stretching 

While not as common, plantar fasciitis has been linked to medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Some patients experience stabbing pain when they wake in the morning, while others report a dull ache in their heel. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms below, visit Dr. Robinson in Campbell, CA, for a plantar fasciitis diagnosis and treatment plan.

  • An ache in your heel
  • Painful bruise on the bottom of your foot
  • Stabbing pain when you get out of bed in the morning or after sitting for long periods of time
  • Pain in the arch of your foot
  • Swelling in your heel
  • Tightness in your Achilles tendon
  • Pain increases after exercise 

Plantar fasciitis is often misdiagnosed as heel spurs. While heel spurs are common, they rarely cause pain or require surgery.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Upon examination, your podiatrist will recommend a treatment plan based on their findings. While regimens vary from one patient to the next, they typically include a combination of at-home remedies and in-office care. More than 90% of plantar fasciitis patients see improvement within 10 months. 

Common outpatient treatments include steroid injections, physical therapy, and shockwave therapy. In rare cases, surgery may be recommended. 

Your podiatrist may also recommend at-home remedies, such as stretching and massaging the area. Losing weight, reducing physical activity, and wearing supportive shoes or insoles may also be recommended. 

Contact Your Podiatrist Today

Is foot or heel pain controlling your life? Call (408) 370-3338 today to book an appointment. Dr. Robinson, your premiere podiatrist in Campbell, CA, can diagnose and treat your plantar fasciitis.