FAQs About Bunions

A bunion (bump on the side of the big toe) arises from changes in the bony framework of your forefoot. Instead of pointing straight ahead, the big toe bends toward the second toe, causing the bones to misalign, resulting in the bunion. Bunions are a chronic condition that begins with a leaning of the big toe and progresses over time, changing the angle of the bones and producing the characteristic bump, which becomes more prominent as time passes. Symptoms usually appear later in the disease's progression, though some people never experience them. If you have a bunion, Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA is here to answer your frequently asked questions.

FAQ About Bunions

  • What's Causing My Bunion? If you wear tight, narrow shoes and high heels, you're increasing your risk of developing foot deformities, discomfort, or leg and ankle pain. Genetic bone deformities like hammertoes, and foot types, such as fallen arches, high arches, and flat feet, can also increase your risk of acquiring bunions. So can foot trauma, injury, rheumatoid arthritis, and occupational foot stress (i.e., bearing too much weight).
  • What are the Signs and Symptoms of Bunions? Those with bunions may experience pain, soreness, redness, inflammation, numbness, or burning sensation in the big toe.
  • How are Bunions Diagnosed? Our podiatrist will diagnose a bunion in Campbell, CA, with standing x-rays of the foot. These x-rays, taken from the top (anteroposterior) and side of the foot, can be used by a doctor to determine the extent of the bunion deformity.

If home remedies or nonsurgical treatments don't relieve bunion pain and it has begun to interfere with daily activities, consult Dr. Douglas Robinson about surgical options. Our doctor will consider the extent of your deformity based on x-ray findings, age, activity level, and other factors when deciding on the procedure for your specific case. We have a convenient location for patients who suffer from a bunion in Campbell, CA. Call (408) 370-3338.