Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

At the podiatry practice of Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA, we understand you need treatment when you have pain in your feet or ankles that is causing trouble with mobility. Plantar fasciitis is a common problem patients are diagnosed with when they have heel pain, difficulty putting pressure on the feet, and trouble walking. If you have been trying rest and anti-inflammatory medication at home without success, it's time to meet with a podiatrist that can help. With a careful evaluation of the structure of your feet, Dr. Robinson will develop a treatment plan to help you overcome plantar fasciitis.

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is painful, and it can come on suddenly after an acute injury, or occur over a period of time due to a chronic lack of support in your feet. You might feel a burning pain in your heel, have trouble sleeping because your feet hurt, and struggle to put weight on your feet to walk. You can rest your feet for a few days to see if this helps, but plantar fasciitis often requires more consistent treatment in order to alleviate the condition.

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Treatment is focused on reducing the inflammation in your plantar fascia, keeping the fascia stretched, and improving blood flow to the area. Rest and stretches can help quite a bit in the early stages of treatment. You might wear night splints to keep your feet stretched at night to increase healing. Custom orthotics are often used to support your feet throughout the day. If conservative treatment doesn't help, your podiatrist can prescribe anti-inflammatory medication, cortisone shots, or physical therapy to further address issues with your plantar fascia.

Schedule an Appointment With Our Campbell, CA Podiatrist Now

If you are dealing with pain in your feet, it's time to see our podiatrist. Call the office of Dr. Douglas Robinson in Campbell, CA at (408) 370-3338, and set up your evaluation to check the structure of your feet and determine what is causing your pain.